What is phala network?

Blockchain Privacy Network

Phala Network is a blockchain project that focuses on privacy-preserving smart contract execution. It aims to provide a secure and scalable infrastructure for decentralized applications (dApps) while protecting the confidentiality of sensitive data.

Phala Network utilizes a technology called Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to achieve its privacy goals. TEEs are hardware-based enclaves that provide a secure environment for executing code and storing data. In the case of Phala, the TEE technology used is Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX), which is a widely adopted standard.

By leveraging TEEs, Phala Network ensures that sensitive data remains encrypted and confidential, even during smart contract execution. This is in contrast to traditional blockchains like Ethereum, where smart contracts and their data are visible to all participants.

Phala Network introduces a concept called "Confidential Contract" to enable privacy-preserving smart contracts. These contracts can process private data without exposing it to the network, making them suitable for applications that involve sensitive information, such as healthcare, finance, and identity management.

To incentivize participation and secure the network, Phala Network has its native token called "PHA." Token holders can stake PHA to become network validators and earn rewards for validating transactions and executing confidential contracts.

Overall, Phala Network aims to provide developers with a privacy-centric infrastructure for building decentralized applications, enabling secure and confidential processing of sensitive data on the blockchain